Home decoration will make reasonable feeling more comfortable, and if there are some defects and hazards on the decoration, it might bring the mood and even health
problems. There are some rules of decoration and precautions, as long as a good grasp of these, we will let you put a beautiful and healthy home.
Style positioning is a prerequisite for successful home improvement. If it is not more than 200 square meters of area, the proposed unified style of decoration, or
Chinese style, or European style, mix and match and avoid undue confusion feeling.
Color is the protection of home improvement and harmonious unity. Psychologists study confirmed the role of people of color on the psychological implications are
very powerful, easy to cause visual confusion nervous tone, mood upset, fear and other issues.
So, in the color selection is necessary to comply with their own personality and their families, but also to comply with the principles of color, whether it is cold
or warm colors and tones, it's best to choose a color scheme.
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