Do not buy plus color: Now add color a lot of flooding the market, which is Chinese industry unhealthy reasons, first we fight price, no profit, and then work hard in quality, first of all, they filled a plate with a b-grade-level board, or take 1/3 of a Class A board added 2/3 of b-level board, b-grade plate board surface due to insect eyes, color, white edge, scarring need patching with putty and colors, and in order to allow you to see how this is after repairing the board, they only board coloring, do good in the slot and back are colored, so you can not see this is colored plates, and color is also small, the board pretty, but add color in the pavement later, a little after some time, due to the plate surface is patched, various problems cracking, paint, etc. explosion will occur, but if you are sanding repair, due to add color to fall off, you, you've seen opera mask it?
How to build a deck ground that slopes toward the deck
Buy should pay attention to the notch and thickness: These two points are very important, as we all know, the standard thickness should be 18mm, 17.5mm, but there are many on the market, but I do not mean worse affected 0.5mm effect, the key is 17.5mm mostly inadequate thickness of the plate or along curved plate restructuring, but mostly dry along the bending stress is not good or did not solve the problem, this is dangerous, it's the problem will be displayed after the pavement performance for bagging, corrugated, etc., but the slot length is a shoddy way to another factory, due to the ground surface area of the plate width and length are calculated, so the shorter the factory notch, its board will be wider, so he virtually reduces costs, but he does so, causing damage but also consumers, notch short, it is easy to produce sound, step up will squeak.Wood fences 8 foot tall to go around chain link fence
Avoid these two ways is a deception: when buying first with seeing to see the texture is clear, whether there exists a normal color, let alone the manufacturer's instructions on whether the purchase is to add color palette (colored plates), back installation the sawed, painted the side of water, billboards child color are the same, such as differences, namely colored plates, on the notch, the national standard is 3.5mm ~ 4mm, you can look at the amount, if you do not respect the measurement, you can two block board pieces together, hold the piece, another piece of vacant inclination of 45 degrees, to see whether it will fall another piece, if you fall, it is likely to be less than the length of the slot, in addition to splicing tight time slots to be careful because some manufacturers can not afford to let the board down, deliberately doing very tight slot, while the normal slot is a certain gap.
Note the difference between the paint: paint on the market now are basically two kinds of pu paint and uv paint, be sure to ask when choosing the type of clear paint, do not buy pu paint, it is extremely environmentally friendly, it's benzene and formaldehyde emissions are high, paint life is very short, in European countries have already banned. As uv paint is divided into two types, one is the ordinary bright side curtain coating uv paint, one is uv paint roller (some plants being promoted ultra-wearable paint) curtain coating uv paint require frequent waxing, paint life usually in 2 to 3 years (there is a greater effect in the degradation calculated) and uv paint roller just another technology, usually matte finish, the surface is pockmarked face shape, as for paints ultra resistance general was added aluminum oxide powder in the paint, which is to distinguish ordinary paint roller paint and ultra-wearable important point, this should allow manufacturers to indicate the sales slip.Fence installation on concrete wall