Abstract: The pros and cons of solid wood flooring, price points, not just from a different species to determine, but also from all aspects of the film hardness,
wear-resistant surface paint plates, film adhesion and moisture indicators, etc. to look at. Film hardness: a reflection of the strength of solid wood flooring surface
coating, and their thickness, the material is closely related to the national standard wood flooring material and the film provides superior products for wood flooring
film hardness index 2H grade; First grade and qualified ≥H. Over time, people choose for flooring materials are constantly changing. China's wood flooring line
despite a late start, but the development of fast, in just 20 years has formed a multi-species, multi-standard, from production to sales, laying, service and support,
with an occasional scale industrial system .Cost of composite decking calculator
Definition floor floor that houses the surface layer of the ground or floor. Made of wood or other materials. According to the Chinese report released hall flooring
industry market research analysis report shows that there are many classification floor, according to the structure of classification are: solid wood flooring,
laminate flooring, wood flooring, bamboo flooring, cork flooring, and currently the most popular multi-parquet floors; use classification are: domestic, commercial,
anti-static flooring, outdoor flooring, stage dance floor dedicated sports hall venue dedicated floor, athletics dedicated floors; by environmental rating
classification: E0-level floor, JAS F4 star star floor and so on.Composite timber for retaining
There are many classification floor, according to the structure of classification are: solid wood flooring, laminate flooring, wood flooring, bamboo flooring, cork
flooring; By Application: home where the floor with floor commercial applications, anti-static flooring, outdoor floor, stage dance floor dedicated sports hall venue
dedicated floor, athletics dedicated floors; by environmental rating classification: E1 grade flooring, E0 grade flooring, JAS-star standard F4 star floors. Some
Chinese market exclusively promote geothermal dedicated floor, in fact, as long as the base is stable, no crack, no distortion, high environmental performance, to the
thermal insulation, and even plain wood floors, floor heating can be used.6 foot wire garden fencing