
Decoration jerry Big Secret

Home Improvement fear is encountered jerry decoration company , the price is to be not high, but these companies often will cut corners on materials and workmanship in the renovation process , the difference does not seem on the surface , but a long time on all issues exposed. The house is not everyday consumables, is the place where people live long , fitting directly related to the quality of the house after the arrival of the quality of life . If you have children at home , the more you want to pay attention to the decoration materials , decoration materials, toxic and harmful to the child 's great harm . But most of the owners are renovated layman does not know how to identify and see through these jerry doorway decoration company . Feng decoration industry with many years of experience in the renovation industry , small household industry experts see the vision , retail decoration companies cut corners doorways , church tricks you find the clues from the details cheapest flooring around pools!
Common means of jerry :

Means one : ground leveling

Symptom: In some jerry suspects project, often find wood flooring home side seams have tilt phenomenon, especially near the corner of the wall is even more obvious, what is causing this problem? One important reason is due to the tilt of the wooden floor before laying the ground leveling problems arising . As some of the houses on the ground not flat , so the need to re- leveling before laying the floor , or if workers are not careful enough intentionally shoddy , it will cause " more to find the more uneven " problem, to tilt the floor of the future potential of a hazard.

Reminder: Before leveling the ground , ground handling substrate must do , and then leveling the ground with cement mortar . After the cement dry, with a dedicated spirit level to determine the overall flatness of the ground , and then the next step of construction . Formal decoration company in the construction of large all have uniform standards and assessment, a dedicated project manager to control all aspects of the whole , will never appear above the kind of shoddy , irresponsible period in order to catch the construction process vinyl fence panels for sale .

Means two : base treatment

Phenomenon: latex paint , before paving tiles, be sure to do a wall or floor surface treatment , for a new house , the basement is generally only need to deal with coarse sandpaper , do not need to eradicate the original paint , and plain old house paint wall you need to take to eradicate the former can only proceed after the next process. Some workers , lack of understanding of the head of household is this knowledge , in the construction of shoddy work in this regard , the consequences of this is that at worst cause uneven walls , painted with the paint color , heavy paint color, cracks and even peel , or tile adhesive is not strong phenomenon 24 ft round pool deck ideas.

Reminder: Pavement tiles , you can not pay attention to tile laid directly on the lime mortar , lime plaster , lime plaster ribs paper , hemp stone mortar and paint the surface, but you want a clean surface treatment only after a grassroots laying. Adhesive paste used between tiles and substrate should be strictly in accordance with the construction standards and the proportion of allocation, the use of prescribed grade cement , adhesive plastic material and can not deploy . When brushing paint , you must pay attention to scraping the wall putty Phi is uniform , smooth, polished and roller is in place and other issues. In addition, you should pay attention to whether the ratio of paint properly, there is no mix add too much water .

