
Polish - Multilayered wood flooring maintenance good companion


For wood flooring beautiful and extend the useful life of wood flooring, under normal circumstances, is to wood floor waxing, today gave you another highly personalized multi-layer solid wood flooring maintenance methods.Composite tongue and groove porch flooring

That is, light stabilizers spend multilayer wood flooring maintenance, as opposed to using wood floor wax, polish and maintenance multilayered wood flooring needs to be refurbished for use in multi-layer solid wood flooring. What needs to be said here about what features to polish, polish?

Wood floor polish is a specifically designed to maintain all of the over-coat and pretreated wood flooring and cork flooring water polishes. It enables a new look dull surface, lasting protect the floor from abrasion. With the use of paint or similar material treated different floor, and use light dose maintained without the polished floor boards hormone can easily be applied to achieve.

Polish wood floor maintenance concrete steps are as follows: First, the detergent and water by 1:50 deployment of good, clean the floor with a polishing machine. If the ground is very dirty and must be cleaned again with a special sand or sand felt net after cleaning. Second, make sure the ground is completely cleaned, coated with a special mop polishes.Wpc wood plastic composite distributors

This allows the wood to restore the original luster multilayered wood flooring, repair shallow scratches, scratches, etc., polish will not make multilayered wood flooring slippery, though there are multi-layer paint on wood flooring protection , add a layer of polish can effectively increase the wear resistance of the multilayer wood flooring to reduce the frequency of multi-storey wood floor renovation, save money.


It is worth noting: containing wax maintenance agent at the time to multi-storey wood floor renovation, must take a multi-layer solid wood floor polish to paint plain plate again, such as direct painting, the new paint adhesion difficult. Multi-agent maintenance spend light wood flooring is not so troublesome, you can paint directly on the old paint, multilayer solid wood floor renovation easier. Dura composites tile decking review

