Heat Loss Costs You Money!
It is no secret that we're living in a world of sky-rocketing energy prices. Not only are people looking for ways to more efficiently heat their homes and businesses in order to save money, there is growing concern of how much energy we are wasting and the damage we are doing to the environment.
In the early 2008, The Wall Street Journal published an article citing that the energystar.gov website estimates that simply sealing air leaks in a building and adding some insulation could result in reducing the average home's energy costs by 10% or more. If ten percent doesn't sound like much, take a look at your last heating bill.
It's a simple fact that nearly every building losses heat. Heat loss means less comfort, wasted energy and most importantly, wasted money! What prevents people from correcting their heat loss problems is the simple fact that you usually cannot see the location of heat loss with the human eye-and you obviously can't fix what you can't see or find…..
Most people would like to make their home more efficient, but they simply do not know what to do. Unfortunately, many people make the costly, incorrect assumption that in order to make their home more efficient, they have to make major, expensive changes like replacing their entire roof or changing all their windows. What many people fail to realize is that making a few small, relatively inexpensive changes or repairs can result in substantial energy conservation and immediate financial savings. Many heat loss issues are easily corrected - the problems is Finding the location of the heat loss.
Turning on the heat & opening the door!
That is what most people are doing during the winter months, the heat loss in a typical house components would be, Ceilings; 40% / Walls; 25% / Windows; 15% / Floors; 10% / Drafts; 10%.
This would include chimneys, windows and doors. The best way to ensure value for money, saving on heating oil and or fuel, comfort with in your home is to.
Today thermal imaging has become an important inspection tool for identifying heat loss, energy leaks and underlying factors that are critical to the energy usage in commercial building or home.
Because of rising energy costs, there is a renewed focus on energy conservation throughout the world. The impact of these higher costs on the economy, the effects of green house emissions on the environment and the impact of escalating utility bills on businesses and house holds has created a serious interest in performing energy audits on properties.
With the new technology of thermal imaging it is easier to apply and interpret inspections that can be used in a hoist of building envelope applications including home and commercial energy audits, remediation works i.e. post flooding or other storm damage clean up, commercial roofing inspections and electrical / mechanical maintenance programs.
A building is a complex assembly of parts and thermal imaging is very effective at inspecting underlying problems with out actually having to tear into the infrastructure. A thermographic inspection provides useful information about a building's envelope such as air in –leakage, moisture ingress, thermal bridges, and cavity wall insulation, ceiling/wall junction and energy efficient windows.
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